Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Starting Out...

Here I sit at Chicago O'Hare waiting to board a plane that signals the final good-bye to the country I call home. Good-byes were hard, and tears were many, but I made it. As I departed Cleveland Hopkins around 9 AM I couldn't help but have tears in my eyes as I realize this is IT! 2 months of solid planning and preparation coming to fruition in front of my eyes. I couldn't help but thank God for his WONDERFUL provision in getting me here and helping everything to fall into place. From finances (raised $6700, when my goal TO BE SAFE was $6500), to jobs, to supplies...everything somehow worked together to get me here. This is where it begins....a journey into the unknown waters of a deeper relationship with God. This is so much bigger than me, I can only put it all into His hands and let Him take control of the next 6 months of my life, but even more so the next few days. I love travelling, but already had a mishap when I accidentally packed some body wash and other "liquids" (even though they AREN'T LIQUIDS!!! THEY'RE GEL!) in my carry-on bag, which they had to take and give to my mom and dad to take home. Well, better grab some lunch on the go and head to my gate. Flight leaves at 2:30 EST so got a little over 2 hours until I board. If you think about it pray that I would make all my connecting trains and everything alright, and that God would protect one small servant in the huge world of international travel. Auf Wiedersehen (See ya later)....

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