Friday, October 16, 2009

Daily Routine

Sorry if that last post got a little long. As far as what I’ve been up to….well, NOT MUCH OF ANYTHING, simply because I don't have time. I am SO busy it is unbelievable. My daily schedule is FULL. I usually skip breakfast and get up at around 8. We have whatever the staff decides for that day from 8:30-9:30 (usually a prayer time, praise and worship, or some other special thing). We then have a 5-10 min. break and start a lecture/preaching/teaching from the speaker for that week (we have a different international speaker come in every week to talk on a specific topic). That goes from 9:30-11:00. At 11 we have coffee break (a very sacred time in the life of any German) which is usually coffee, tea, and fruit. At 11:30 the speaker continues until 1, which is lunchtime (the biggest meal of the day in Germany). We then have work duties from 2-4. Then at 4:30 we have another session of anything the staff decides, whether its going over issues that have come up or getting passport things straightened out. This goes until 6 which is supper. Dinner time in Germany is not a big deal. The first day, they fed us meat, cheese, and bread. And thats it. I thought, "Oh, taking it easy tonight". Next night, oh same thing again. The third night I started thinking, "Man, they must REALLY love their meat, cheese and bread. Until I finally came to realize that they eat the same thing here for dinner EVERY SINGLE DAY. And it goes on and on and on. Cold lunch meats, cheese, and VERY heavy bread with butter. Maybe once a week we are lucky enough to get an unheard-of luxury (gasp) like LETTUCE or TOMATOES. Needless to say, plain sandwiches are ruined for me. If anyone feels led to send me Ranch dressing or honey mustard to spice things up…then God Bless you, haha! But anyways, after supper is free time, unless there is something special you signed up for (activities, sessions on different topics, whatever). Usually most people converge on a room the size of most living rooms. Which might not sound bad, until you realize its usually 30-40 kids there hanging out, playing games, sitting on laptops, whatever we come up with. Although extremely loud, great, great times. On the weekends we really have NO SCHEDULE (Hallelujah, praise the Lord!). For those that have money, you can travel to anywhere you want, go shopping, hang out, see the sights, whatever you want to as long as you are back Monday morning for sessions. For everyone else there are different activities students plan around the base that anyone can join. Every Sunday night about 10 guys usually go into town to an apartment (that the mission owns) and watch Sunday afternoon football on someone’s laptop. And by football I mean FOOTBALL, not soccer. So that is a typical day. Its already going fast, can’t imagine how quickly 6 months will be by me! Love you all!

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