Friday, October 2, 2009

Excitement is BUILDING!!

I’m getting so excited to get out and change the world. I may fail miserably at such a lofty goal, but just to see a wave of over 85 kids spreading out across unreached corners of the world is such a cool feeling. I love the feeling of everyone here being here to serve God. Not like at home where some kids’ hearts are not in it at all, or are not on the same page as you. Everyone here is here with the purpose of seeking Jesus and serving Him. Its so real, so powerful, so incredibly exciting! I found out today that the outreach will be completely in the 10/40 window, which is a part of the world between the 10-40 degree latitudinal lines if you look on a globe. While 2/3rd’s of the world’s people live here, over 90% of them have never heard of Jesus and don’t know the love, the freedom, the excitement, the fulfillment of a relationship with Him. Its so cool that just our tiny group here in Herrnhut will have the potential to chip away at that huge number. To change the life of one person makes everything we do here worth it. And to think of all the changed lives just among our group is crazy cool to think about. I love to see the power of God in such a REAL, TANGIBLE way. Everyone comes here with a broken past, with hurts, with baggage. And just as everyone brings it here, I just picture everyone laying that heavy, burdensome past down at the foot of the cross and becoming free and pure to serve God together and with unity. But on to my rundown of the day….

Got up around 8:30 (Slept through breakfast. Who wants to get up at 6:30 for eggs, which I despise and other bland German food) and met with the other new kids that are here, which I should explain. When I got here, there were 24 students here already from specialized DTS’s (Discipleship Training Schools), which range from photography to fine arts focus. Mine is a “classic” DTS with no specialized focus. Nevertheless, the 65 students from my DTS are mostly not arriving until tomorrow, except for the few Americans here. Anyways… us 5 new kids met at 9 and walked into town. We stopped a local bank to exchange money and generally explored. I bought some cool German food (gotta get some of that German chocolate and carbonated OJ, which is amazing) and had a good time. It was so cool just talking as we were walking around. I already feel so close to the people I’m here with. It makes me excited to hang out with everyone once they all get here (although most of them are Germans and don’t know much English—the entire school is in German and English, translated). I’m so ready to get all the crud off of my shoulders and give it all to God. There’s so many things I’m carrying around that I just don’t need anymore, that are so stupid, so meaningless, so HUMAN. Above all my prayer, though, is that not any part of this trip would be about me. I’m done with me. Me is so overrated, so unfulfilling. I’ve seen everything there is to see about me, and it just isn’t worth it. I’m ready for God. I’m ready for everything He has to give me. I’m HUNGRY for Him!!!

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