Friday, October 9, 2009


On a less serious note, things are going really good. Our speaker this week, Peter Warren, talked about the character and nature of God. Really, really interesting. It answered so many questions I had and so many things I wondered about. Today, the last day, he addressed a question so many people have. Why do bad things happen to good, innocent people? It was really cool. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Other than that, life is good, food is getting old, and laundry isn’t fun. Haha. Bread, meat, and cheese for dinner every single night gets really, really old, despite my undying love for sandwiches. I am proud to say I have absolutely no clue what they have for breakfast here, because I have yet to make it to a single one since I got here. I have slept in past breakfast every single day. Very proud of myself, for the fact that I don’t let my surroundings change me, haha.

I also love my mother. A lot. There is ALWAYS laundry! Not having a dryer makes it very inconvenient. I have to wash my clothes before I run out, because they take so long to dry (a day and a half to 2 days). While they are in the middle of drying, I usually do run out so I have to start wearing the mostly damp/wet clothes that are still drying. So by the time all the clothes ARE dry I have another whole load ready to wash again. A vicious, awful cycle that I have an all new respect for. Love you mom and miss you!

Lastly, I am very angry about something that happened here recently. Last night our leader, Jan Schlegel (an awesome, awesome man of God) told us about a few times in the past when YWAM Herrnhut got interviewed by the media. However, both times (once in a national newspaper and once on a popular, national news TV show) the media took perfectly good interviews and twisted them, and moved words and sentences around to cast a very bad light on YWAM and what its doing. He then told us that he found out that last night Panorama (the most watched national show in Germany) was doing a 10-15 min. documentary on YWAM. He had not let any media in or talked to any kind of reporter since he had the other bad experiences, so he did not know what footage they would use or what they would say. This morning he spoke to us and told us what the show was about. Two reporters came to the base this past summer, saying they wanted to “visit” and see what it was like. Some of the staff could tell there was something fishy going on, so they asked the two if they were from the media. They said NO. They deliberately lied!! During the next few days they used hidden cameras to shoot lots of film and record the students and speakers. During the intro to the show in VERRRY small print it said that no sound was recorded, so the interviews were dubbed by MEMORY! So they showed interviews with the students (that didn’t know they were being interviewed), with their faces blurred out and dubbed voices. Anyways, I couldn’t understand the big German words they were using, but they went on to portray YWAM as a cult. A boot camp where students are forced into believing a certain way, without being able to disagree or think for themselves. They called us “fundamentalist Christians” (in a bad way).The whole purpose of this is to send young kids, that don’t know better, out into dangerous areas so they can “die for God”. They brain-wash us, is really the premise of the show. It is unbelievable that they had to stoop so low as to lie about who they were, then secretly tape unknowing kids and twist their words into what they wanted them to be. Today, we talked about James (the book of the Bible) and how it talks about embracing persecution, for that means our name is known in hell. Satan is scared of the things going on here and taking drastic measures. We spent over 20 minutes praying that God would take what the enemy wanted for bad and change it into a huge blessing. That students would begin to overflow this base and that God would fill this base with His spirit. It was really cool. Jan then said that they would take no legal action, use no force, but instead overcome evil with good. Awesome testimony of faith and belief that God will protect this base! Well, better get ready to eat supper here soon. Bis später! (see you later!)

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