Thursday, October 1, 2009

Observations, in my short time here....

-Everyone here dresses very nice, all the time. Very high-class fashion. Guys wearing dressy sweaters and very nice jackets all the time.
-Carbonated water sounds like it would be disgusting. Well, it IS! Not so bad when you are INCREDIBLY thirsty, though.
-I want to start a train system in America. Imagine going all over the country anytime you wanted without spending stupid amounts of money. (visiting family)
-Very high tech culture, but yet they still find a way to live so much more simply than America. Their little villages are so relaxed and peaceful.
-Stop talking so fast!!! You can tell I'm American, let me understand the fragments that I can.
-The farther East I got, the more industrial, spread out, and "darker" it got.
-German people are SO cut and dry. Do what you need to do. Get in, get out, and don't worry about anyone along the way. Everything is about efficiency, not necessarily politeness.
-I love communicating with people in German!!! So much fun to use 4 years of knowledge.
-America needs a better foreign language system. Almost EVERY German knows very good English, like conversational level. And many know other languages as well.
-I LOOOOVE other countries.
-Dogs in the airport? Sure, why not....Carrying open beer bottles around all the time, no matter where? Even better.
-Do we make fun of people from other countries when they don't know what they're doing?? If so, DON'T!!!! Its one of the more embarassing feelings I've ever had!! Not cool at all.
-While most Germans seem quite stuck up, it is just a part of their culture. Most are somewhat willing to help if you just ask nicely (unless they're jerk bus drivers).
-Don't take a picture of any sign in the direction of a stewardess. Did that, and she got very upset (she was American, though). She demanded to see my camera in case she was in the picture, which she wasn't. Very angry at her.
-Some of their engineering and way of doing things is SOOO smart!! But yet some of it is so not common sense. Its like they try too hard sometimes. Push button toilets are cool, though. HAHA
-I love the mix of cultures here at base. America, Portugal, Germany, Norway, Finland, Czech Republic, Canada, and I'm sure there's more that I will find out about. What an experience!
-I just want to get started already!!! Love all the people and all the things to do all the time. Better go find stuff instead of wasting time on here!! Love you all!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're having a good time Jason! Soak it all in so you'll never forget it! I'm a little jealous, not only because I never got to do a 'mission trip' on my own, but because you're in Europe! There's nothing like experiencing another culture and meeting new people. I love your descriptions of the German true! Shana
